2011, Polar protection 2v

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Articolo: swrp31107
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Find other products of: Natura, Scienza, Diversi, Animali (altri e misti), Orsi, Uccelli, Pinguini, Artico e Antartico, Carte Geografiche, Bielorussia.

Dettagli del prodotto
SKU Parent: swr31107
Paese: Bielorussia
Anno: 2011
Nr. Fsc: 31107
Nr. Michel: 847/48
È unico: No
Aggiunto il : 06/apr/2024
Tipo di Prodotto: Serie di francobolli


Bears are mammals classified as carnivores. Bears live in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. Bears use shelters such as caves and burrows as their dens. They use their shelters for long periods of sleep similar to hibernation. The English word “bear” was originally the word for...

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The penguin is an amphibian bird living mainly in Antarctica. They have countershaded dark and white plumage and their wings have evolved to become flippers. Most penguins eat fish. They spend roughly half of their lives on land and half in oceanic waters. In the water penguins are...

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